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Buck Denver Asks...What's in the Bible? Volume 4
What's in the Bible? - Vol 4 Battle for the Promised Land

Volume 4: Battle for the Promised Land (Joshua, Judges, Ruth)

Our Price: $12.99

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DVD - $12.99
Public Display License (DVD/video NOT included) - $9.99

Public Display License - Gives lifetime permission to show the corresponding DVD(s), or the equivalent video material purchased digitally, at your church, school, daycare, etc. (Covers events with up to 99 in attendance at which no admission fee is charged.) License will be available for download from your account immediately after your purchase is complete.

*Please note: a Public Display License purchase does NOT include the corresponding video(s)/DVD(s).


Volume 4: Battle for the Promised Land! (Joshua, Judges and Ruth)

The Bible Made Easy! Buck Denver and his friends take your children through the WHOLE Bible. Perfect viewing for the entire family to laugh and learn together. In his first new project since VeggieTales®, Phil Vischer has set out to teach kids (and parents!) the story of the Bible—God's great rescue plan! We know the stories of Moses, Noah, David, and Jesus, but in this groundbreaking new series, we learn how they all fit together to tell one big, redemptive story. Vischer's signature wit shines through with his all-new cast of characters, fast-paced flash animation, and catchy tunes. This is one journey through the Bible you won't want to miss!

Let VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer and a bunch of hilarious new friends explain the entire Bible to your kids in this groundbreaking, fast-paced and fun-filled DVD series. Volume 4: Battle for the Promised Land tells the stories of the Israelites after they get what they’ve wanted for so long. Sure, they’re settled in the Promised Land now, but God’s people keep turning away from the One who gave them this new home. To point the people back to Him, God sends 12 judges, including Deborah and Samson. And there are other key players, too.

Episode 1: Finally, the Promised Land!
Learn about Joshua and tricky questions about fighting and killing in the Bible.

Episode 2: Cycle of Misery
Learn the time of the Judges and the Bible's romance storyRuth!

Want to show a video at your church, school or other gathering? Purchase a Public Display License which gives permission to show the video in these settings (purchased separately).

Watch the Trailer!

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Contains two 25-minute episodes. Run Time: approx. 60 minutes

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 3 Please write your own review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 The BEST Biblical DVDs June 28, 2022
Reviewer: Sharon Alters from Fleming Island, FL United States  
I bought the entire What's In the Bible set when my grand boys were young and we and they with their parents - watched them for YEARS as they were growing up. In fact, they still watch them with their four-year-old brother and they are twelve and ten. I learned many things about the Bible I didn't know, and I have spent time in the Word. We love singing the theme song together. Who would know you're learning because you're so entertained? We lost #4, Joshua, Judges & Ruth, so I just reordered it. We want to keep our complete set. You know it's both quality and anointed when children request it above any secular videos they could watch.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Love these! March 19, 2021
Reviewer: Cathleen O’Hare from Chester, NY United States  
My boys LOVE the whole series

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Grandma April 16, 2020
Reviewer: Susan Susko from Springfield, IL United States  
The What's in the Bible videos contain great information in a lively, funny, fast-moving context. I especially appreciate the clever, subtle humor hidden throughout the videos. They hold the interest of preschoolers through adults.

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